HerArts Film Lab Adopts the Rules of Ethical Behavior in the Audiovisual Field

HerArts Film Lab Adopts the Rules of Ethical Behavior in the Audiovisual Field

Blog Hits: 1662

The Rules for Ethical Behaviour in the Audiovisual Field is an initiative sponsored by Women in Film, Television & Media Italia (WIFTMI), an association that represents industry professionals and promotes gender equality and cultural diversity in all areas of the audiovisual industry.

The document is the prevention tool, available to all, against harassment, acts of intimidation and any form of discrimination, gender-based violence and body shaming in the workplace and in academic context, for the safeguard of the dignity of individuals, workers and students within the audiovisual field.

By adopting this document at HerArts Film Lab, we commit to following these rules in our workplace and in general to promoting ethical behavior in the audiovisual sector.

The copy of the Rules is available here:
WIFTMI – Rules for Ethical Behaviour in the Audiovisual Field
