Brigitte Gauthier

Brigitte Gauthier

Born in Paris, Brigitte holds an MFA from Columbia University. She produced THE DZOGCHEN MONASTERY and documentaries on Harold Pinter. Her short documentary LINDA AND HER DOG VILA HELPING THE 2016 SAMOS REFUGEES premiered at the 2017 SOCIALLY RELEVANT FILM FESTIVAL in New York. She is the head of the SLAM Lab at the University Paris-Saclay. She published books: VIVA PINTER, HAROLD PINTER’S SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE, LE LANGAGE CHORÉOGRAPHIQUE DE PINA BAUSCH, GAME BOY and #PersonneNeLeSaura (Gallimard, Série Noire). Her next novel THE ORACLE OF CAIRO (Max Milo) is currently in development as a TV-series under the working title UNUSUAL SUSPECTS.

A young Albanian woman warned us that there would be an attack in France at the Bataclan. No one listened.


HerArts, 2024 - Spring edition